The pet in the wild

I have a cool story for kids movie.....

A man has a pet eagle.... later he lets it go and fly away in wild....

he keeps coming back as he couldnt get food in the wild and he was never taught catching snakes or fish .... all he knew was make sound and the owner would give him food to eat....

now the eagle is shooed off to go into the wild everytime he came back for food.....

he is doing insane things like scratching the ground to get worms like other birds do.... etc etc...

he doesnt even know how to make a nest.....

makes a friend that was attacked by hunter.... medicates him and saves him..... they two become good friend....

the other bird could be anything but i havent found an answer....


he is taught about the wild and told that he is the king of the sky and must live as one and start family too....

the meeting season comes and he has no idea how to impress a female.... later he slowly discovers how aggressive and attacking other males are towards their competitor males....

then he learns everything slowly .... he meets a beautiful female eagle and falls in love.....

the trouble is that there is another eagle double of his size and very strong, now he must defeat that eagle and will be able to be with that female eagle....

the good thing is our eagle friend lived with humans for long time and he knows human tools and techniques to defeat the big eagle....

later at the end both male and female eagle marry and come to the human house to say thank you for letting me fly in the wind....

oh how sweet story....

perfect for kid with a happy ending.....

we must show the eagle's funny part as he explores the way to wind and copies every birds to learn things where he scratches ground for worm, makes nest in the less height tree with no leaves and gets wet, dances like peacock to get female eagle etc etc....

kids love it when they are made smile and we have a hero eagle too...

kids love birds too :)

if we make this story it will be a hit and the title name is perfect too :)

theme song

decided to add something more....

he meets up his father and mother from whom he was forcefully stolen and sold in the bird market when he was just a chick.....

his father is a king of sky and he couldnt defeat the big villian eagle but his son is back now ....

with most stupid behaviours learnt from human unlike other wild eagles he defeats the big eagle and becomes the king of the sky and makes his parents proud....

he also gets married with the most beautiful female eagle.....

well i can add script and dialogues in it too and make it better than the recent trailer release of some goose goose duck duck thing which looks pretty much like a tom and jerry episode when a bird makes tom his mama...... thats why there is so much dislikes.... i didnt wanted to dislike it because it would only say that i hate u for no reason....

but fact is fact and that story aint original......


We have seen eagle flying high in the sky but this story is totally different.

Meet Petty the pet eagle who is the happiest eagle living with a man called alex. He has a different lifestyle .... he does all the silly things human do and is happy living with alex.... he doesnt have to worry about a thing .... alex looks after him....

one day alex grandma dies and her dying wish is to not keep anything on cage or bounded .... as his grandma had a free life she wants alex to give everyone and everything a free life not putting boundaries on his relations and this includes his pet petty....

he decides to let the petty fly away to the wild.... both alex and petty are sad with this as their childhood friendship is coming to an end..... but alex makes his heart strong and let petty fly.....

now starts the petty's wild adventure....

1. where do i find the bathroom , i cant poop in the open???
2. i cant seem to have my favorite dish eagle bite biscuits.....
3. what i have to shower in the open ?
things like this , more funny clips will make this trailer more funny and appealing....

now there  comes a meeting season plus a villian eagle who is furious as hell and petty is just as cute and kind hearted....

oh what, alex was not my friend and eagles are? asks his newly made robin bird friend...

yes, eagles are your friends and family....

do u know who your parents are?

we can talk to the royal family eagles to find your parents ...

adventure to find real you and your destiny
adventure to find a love and fight hatred
adventure to find the your parents
adventure to unlock a friendship with a different beings (human).....


the way he finds he is son of the royal or the king is from his......? this is a mystery......

but he finds it anyway.....

how do i submit this to movie makers??????

two friends but must be one meat eater and other grains and worms..
