Alex : The adventure of colours

Can you create a song that says ... my dreams are coming true...

everything feels so alive ....

it comes to life as I visualise it?

for example the two lines of this song is beautiful the voice and music to but wont make much sense overall lyrics

This is a new story just hit my mind.

actually 2....

the first one is ...
Main character: an autistic boy that is all about art.... his grandfather were artists, his dad and so on... that's in his blood....

on his birthday his mum gifts him his dad's old colours and painting pads....

now, what do kids love in a movie? something creative art and fantasy right.....

this guy creates an art that comes alive....

gets to know it when ...

one day he paints a parrot.... he wakes up with a bird singing ... and guess what the bird is alive in the painting.....

he creates more paintings and every painting reveals something....

the main theme is people are losing the art interest and the creative world is getting dead.....

to actually make it more interesting for a kids animated movie i gotta add some characters....

what if he could actually enter into the paintings and meet all the characters he created ....

he could create a world in and out.....

but whos the villian ????? or the main plot .... lemme think

yes his dad had a mesterious death.... he was stuck in the paintaining just like he entered the world.... there are beautiful characters that appeal the children and villians that was created by some evil people who were his dad's enemy and wanted to trap him there forever....

this painting world needs to be saved and is possible only by the most creative person.....

and who can be more creative than Alish in wonderland??????

trust me this can be the a hit movie for 2018...

trailer starts like kids get all your fav colours and start a journey of your imagination where anything is possible.... do you wanna see what a world made by a young artist looks like.....

ok, im not a pro but I can see if this gets made it will be a hit plus it will create an interest in children to use art and imagination .....

haha, the only problem is if this works according to the eye society rules.... which i dont know much of as its all secret....

now you said I need to contribute to the society but I am putting so much pressure on my mind to come up with something creative all the time .... i want to contribute to the society in terms of art but how ???

im a shy person ... dont expect me to hit all up u in twitter or where ever face to face i dont have that guts .... i do i need to do to learn movie story writing ???

no i cant take any course its fucking expensive... went to study djing and they asked me for visa and advanced fee fuck it all.... only If i win lottery....

let me add more stuff to this,

there are black holes in there that eats up the children dreams and doesn't let them be creative....

find a way to paint the black holes out....

he has a favourite super hero that he draws to help him in the journey....

we need a new super hero here so it will be a super hit most creative story for 2018-2019....

kids love super hero story right???

lemme think about a suitable super hero...

im thinking like a light man,, this makes us put lucifer into movie and a new super hero with the power of light that can remove the dark black hole that are eating the dream of children and destroying the dream world.....

i know u must have a better idea of super hero... i must ask stan lee to make me 1 super hero that suits this scenario....

he draws his super hero light man that destroys all the darkness and brings the day light into any darkness.... to make it funny we gotta add some weakness to the super hero ....

lemme think his weakness....

well johnny bravo comes to my mind so why not add girls to his weakness.... the dream world has lot of beautiful girls and he seems to forget his mission and start flirting with girls..... if u wanna make it realistic what is lucifer "light mans " weakness???

if u have a better one let me know....
