
heylel the light bearer.....

This is story of a lucifer who was not always a bad person. He was once a really good person with a nice heart. But one day he decided to rebel against the god almighty " the creator".

God then threw him out of heaven as a lightening to the ground. He is the form of light and also called as the deceiver. 

well we all know that ....

tell me the main story im not interested in the background crap....

ok wait im brainstorming...

trailer starts like ---
-- devil becomes a kid again.... the worst nighmare of kids goes to school... what would you do if devil is your class mate? well this devil is not that bad... lets look at him closer... his name is heylel...
he has been in fire of hell all his life and now looks like he is enjoying his time in school... is he gonna be a good student or bad? will he play any tricks to get that A+ grade? etc etc

lucifer deceives all people but fails in doing so with the kids.....

now he plans to join the most famous school and understand their lifestyle. He is on a quest to find how to deceive young kids and trick them into becoming bad.

do you find it nice ? suggest me a video on youtube and i can write a good story i am planning to write this in detail....

i think when u want to write a good story your brain needs to be empty but my mind is really full with weird ideas and mixed with all sort of toons all the time.... cant get my mind empty that easily....

just like boss baby , devil goes to school with a style and making all girls smile and look at him....

saara looks at him too with a beautiful smile.... but alex doesnt like this.... he wants to find about this new kid in school and reveal all his secrets so saara starts disliking him....

a lover boy wants to make the devil boy look bad because his gf is getting attracted to him....

no matter what the alex tries .... devil boy always wins as he has a secret of his magic tricks of charming people just like the lucifer series....

what else can be here..... i wish i was working with top writers/ directors and brainstorming on screens and story writing.... i know u dont care anyone unless they become ur minion but that is so not good..... all the high places are infiltrated and polluted.....

i will leave australia without doing anything but sure u will remember me forever.....
