The Record Breakers

I am pretty sure the story is new

two junkie friends wants to be famous....

they think of breaking world records....

only to find the two jokers are not even close to breaking any records ....

but they find their true friendship and value it more than anything.

the both friends are 27-30 and still living in parents house. playing video games...
parents gets really sad and tell them you are useless. do something get a job, get married and start your life.

they say back to their parents,, we will do it we will show you, dont call us useless...

they both leave house and meetup for a plan to be rich and famous.

suddenly an idea comes to them. break some world records and get fame and money.

this is obviously a comedy movie so what they do is get through the list of easy looking records....

to make it more funny scences like --- breaking world record attempt 6----

the most piercing in body...

but with the first piercing in their chest"nipple" they start crying .... now imagine 30yr adult crying like a baby

more scenes just like this....

time for another story ...

to be continued.....
