crap of world !!

This is a bit weird but.....

We were on the quest to find god particles , muti dimension gate etc etc and meet other planet beings"et"

Lets define 3 things here time, dimension and matter"vibration the materialisng mantra"

What if we actually make a movie where we see shiva ??

I mean in a ah uh ma form !! A glowing and vibrating object that gives a flow or ripple to the universe and keep it moving !!! If everything is stationary there is no universe no life.....

And its believed in hinduism that the core of life or the god particle is ah+uh+ma = ohm

Even ohm's law from physics prove that sound creates a volt of energy !!!

Now its clear that how hhindu plilosopy was million years ahead of science

This is the ohms law that when yogi meditated for 20-30 years just humming ohm they never needed food or water because the sound ohm was generating energy that keeps the brain impulses alive and provide energy to pump blood all over the body .....

According to hindu philosophy, shiva is the alpha shiva is the omega !!! But we take krishna as the ultimate god because shiva didnt wanted there to be clash of powers between people about who the superior god is !!

Krishna is love !! He says every action taken for pure love is even accepted by god. Every law and ethics has to change for love !!

My mind is in troubled situation !! Western influence is killing our attention and way of life .....

Bombarding misinformation
Tech used for population reduction, poisoned food and drinks
Cancer causing things sold open and the billionaire talk about making world a better place with poison vaccine again .....

One question is killing my mind ..... the ripple of sound in the ocean of silent darkness which we call now a universe !!! How did the sound got generated !! Was that the effect of something big ?? Who was the ohm sound generated for !!! How did hindu knew a ohm sound generates both light and electricity ???

And how does a ohm sound created universe ??? Well stephen hawkins must have studied vedas, upanasad and geeta which is why he is denoting ohm sound as a big bang ..... haha funny how everything western society claims to have discovered is already in our moral books..... and yet call us 3rd world country for not trying to test our knowledge passed down and see if it is true.

If us never did nuclear research world would never have a threat from north korea about war !!

Us fucked it all !! They are playing god yet knowing they are just actors here !!

Globalists claiming to be god ?? I feel pity on them and laugh when i see their death that claiming god is a fool which could never understand the illusion of creation !!!

Nomatter how much US scientists work on finding god particle they will fail...... because its already stated in vedas and grantha that only a pure heart and devotee will get to see the god no1 else .....

Only if the god decides you to see him..... yet playing god !!!

Well just by flying creating fake rain explosions modifying gene you wont be god !!!

There is still things you havent figured from genes and dna ..... you will not even discober it in anither 1000 years ......

You may have the secret knowing and i know its all the syncronocity and occult which gives you black magic ...... not the love not white magic of god ......

Imagine being a slave of devil and going to hell for few millions
While on the other hand getting gods test of struggle to prove you worthy of heaven !!!

Imagine 2 situation :
A person who works hard for money
A person who steals the money

Yes santanist and the theif of their own morals and proving they deserve hell

They can play god as much as they want keep changing their hearts from transplant, drink blood for protein..... whatever even god cant stop death !!!

Even if he incarnates as human on eartb yamaraj still takes him away from the earth.....

So stop playing god !!

You just know a fraction of knowledge !! A faction of what science has discovered

Yet many of them are sitting to be proven wrong

I know my writing is really disorganised but !!

I was tempted for some time by devil to join him for fame and fortune then i called god to show me the direction

I looked into myself and realised im not going to hell

Yes i did mistakes as a young person but who doesnt !!

Regrets and realisation to a better path will obviously take you to heaven !!

Now if you ask me what hell and heaven is i tell you.....

For me reincarnation as a human into suffering is hell ..... i have already suffered alot from attachments

Heaven would be set my soul completely free and never get a human body .....

Why live materialistic life with lots of money and temporary possession when you can enjoy multi dimensions of universe and travel them ...... everything fades beauty money power and body

So think about what will remain !! A soul that will be judged by angels and gods for the temporary action taken by us when we had free will .... did u do good on free will and your soul should be liberated or

You soul should be prisoned in the body forever reincarnating for attachments pain and fading life all the time ..... repeating same shit again and again ......


Why i hate bill gates and love steve jobs !!
With hindu and busshist influence steve jobs realised the meaning of life
With money possesion and greed and power bill gates became a monster in a saints clothing
Distributing posion vaccines and reducing population......

If you really care about earth !!
Go totally natural ..... go greeen ..... like stone age ..... things will be much better and i wanna see dinosaurs although they are fake too...... neither human evolved from monkey..... neither the earth is round..... all fake curtains to mind control us and feed propaganda .....

Imagine everyday you wake up have water from stream .... grab a mango from a tree and under a tree with breeze sit down with psychedelics to understand yourself......

Only way to see god particle is your soul eyes!!! Not the retina eyes.....

Cern just a waste of money and earthquake making war machine.....

Another question i have is what are the globalist planning to do with all the gold they have collected ??? You cant eat them , and if you have no population which means no market it will be worthless stone for youself stored secured .....

I live for experiences and would do anything to get one .....
i love knowledge and sharing with everyone like an open book....

Another question i have is why is the western government so scared with its own people ????

I think im now thinking crap time to sleep
