Love of life :)

I wanna use this music of justin , 2u ... thinking of a story it can be used .....

must be a love story of a girl and a boy .... will be good if it is animated movie for both kids and parents....

two neighbours have kids girl, bella and boy, i dont know english good name....

they love each other.... very much ....

but bella's family leave the town and move to city for some reason....

now the boy must find a way to meet his love.....

how will you find a girl in the new york "massive" city without anything i mean no address no photo nothing.....

just her favorite musical instrument that he could play .....

so he will set for a journey finding his love .... and all he has his a instrument and a musical tone by which she could remember him.....

its becasue they have grown up.... now you will tell me what about phone... well this story happened in pre mobile era..... and now phone is just coming in use after 10 years of their seperation.....

well he does everything to find a girl .... but fails ...

last moment of savior that makes him meet her is a talent show, the biggest talent show where he could play that bellas favorite instrument and her music tone which she will recognise.....

he tells everyone that he is looking for a girl that he loved and has been seperated for 10 years....

i know this sounds little dramatic but kids nowadays are bombarded with meaningless movies stories...

how about a brilliant movie which will be heart touching for both kids and parents .....

this will also use a musical instrument but havent decided what .....

what do u think will be best for the boy to play as you are expert in this ......
