Numbers synchronocity

We live in an age where numbers is everything and nothing.

From banks account numbers .....

to how our AI recognises you .....

everything we developed in this system is numbers....

the lottery winners change their life just by 8 numbers....

your id your phone numbers.....

this story starts with a mathematician who is also a numerologist .....

a natural code breaker....

he is tired of his life living poor and lecturing .....and starts synchronicity of events to create a perfect universal harmonious balance to get abundance from universe....

he starts analysing all the numbers from stock market ..... rising and falling share values....

he becomes a multi-millionaire in a month ... he decides to stop ...

but what happens next turns his life upside down ...


all his actions are being monitored.... its because he said i quit the uni and teaching as he was not satisfied with his life.... he was in the verge of publising a great mathematical equation that could easily make people millions by matching up probabilty of lottery numbers, time, date or any thing thats related to numbers.... people were waiting for his formula to be successful.... but he quit and didnt publish his book on its secret formulas.... these group of people call them the "shadow men".

after he makes fortune by applying his formula people are convinced that his theory actually works and could help them make billions in many ways such as winning bet casinos lottery or share markets


i dont know if there is movie already like this but syncing time he escapes.... he creates and matches occuring events in a perfect sequence ...... he is followed by the most dangerous group of people .....


to add up a story line -- he wants to give all love and abundance to his daughter for which he makes so much money......

shadow men are the minions of bankers who doesnt want anyone to know the secrets of numbers ....
this man is wanted and the secret should be stopped from spreading....


how can we add action to a movie where a movie is about a math professor who is expert in numbers and time synchronicity.....


he stops everyone with time sync and if needed death by an accident looking conditions....


for example , look i am in front of you at 6:36 but in 2 minutes i will be gone .... what happens in those 2 minutes of time sync of perfect coinciding events.....


i would love to see a movie about someone playing with numbers and time .... is there such movie ????


i have seen about dream and matrix but not a time bender.....

doctor who is about matter and dimensions

but lets talk about a master of sync of time who can plan when the car is gonna come and hit your enemy to death ....

does it sound interesting ??? hit me a like

oh shit you were born ahead of me and you already made knowing before me.....

lucky ....
