Planet: X

earth people human so what can be a different name for other planet people?

not aliens, we been using that alot ....

something funny....

this is basically gonna be sci fi kids animated movie....

so the plot is....

3 super kids.... "call it tri-kids"

there is a planet where all nasa scientist got dissapeared and never returned....

there three kids are super heroes of earth....

now they take a rocket to planet x thinking what could be the cause astronaut dissapeared?

everything changes when they find that the planet x is much more developed, balanced in harmony and peace .... no war.... technologically advanced....

the trikids have a mission to find those nasa astronauts bt they later find out they met love of their life and settled there....

everything funny ...

hot aliens... digital high causing drugs.... movie that just plays in your find after a small injection like thing...

dont have anything special in mind yet.....

oh yeah.... the trikids find the three matching cute girl aliens "i dont wanna call them aliens, they are just humans from different planet probably call them e-u-mans or d-u-mans''' but not alien

a little bit of imaginary avatar touch.... little bit of home animated movie touch and .... 3 cute super heores and from both planets meet up......

we should give them a mission .... finding astronaut is not that thrilling for kids to enjoy and get hooked ....

do u wanna add up to anything ...

good night its too late going to sleep now......
