Disney presents : ................

we all have been told that we go to hell or heaven when we die....

not nobody has seen it....

a extremely chilling and fun adventure in the deads world....

what happens there??

a man is dead then we take his soul , re- format it to a baby soul, package it to a body inside a female and there you go , you are born again....


there are two soul, who are extremely enjoying the dead world and dont wanna come down to earth....

when the workers are soul packaging team in the dead mans world find 2 missing soul.....

they set troops to find them and bring them back.....

the rules:

if u havent completed the life mission "purpose of life" you will be sent to soul repackaging department and sent back to earth in a pregnant woman's womb and start all again.....

everytime you are sent to earth u start from scratch and ur memory will be erased....


now find what the answer to life's purpose is or else get stuck in the soul packaging cycle

in the meantime,

the people that ran away from the cycle......

everyone in the adventure of the dead mans world....
i mean all the big celebrities ....

people than ran away , asks the question to the people that completed their soul mission and are enjoying the happy team there....
the answer is find your true purpose when u are at earth.....

but how? i will forget everything when sent back....

yes, i know , u will forget everything but we spirits can contact you when you are there....
our spirit world and the physical has a thin line difference where u can be in touch with us...

we will help u remember things but dont freak out when we contact you and recover your memory...


now the adventure to find your soul mission and liberate yourself.....


kids will love it when we show them funny clips of all celebrities having fun in the happy zone of dead mans world.....

how will they contact the man "lets suppose Alish" to recover his memory and help him find the soul mission so he can join the happy club.....


now everything is done
so i came up with this redicoluos idea .....
