Back to zero

We all know when u have millions of dollars with you, you can have all the fun you want

Dont worry about getting up early, getting late to work, not getting enough shifts or working long hours and not having enough sleep

This is story of matt the millionaire with his 3 other friends who invested in stocks and made millions

Now they have the best playboy style hollywood life .....

But hey things can go wrong anytime write.....

The money they invested in the stocks , the stocks crashes making their investment the value of zero.

Everybodys shocked even matt

Well how could this be possible
How can this even happen

Now the boys decide to get their life back !!

Having pet is not a big deal just as much as feeding it 3-5 times is

Now oh boy you all gotta get a job .....

Lets start with a resume ??

Whats your experience

Watching netflix with a cigar in your and your girls mouth at the same time !!
Well what am i gonna do witb that ???

Ok harry whats your experience for resume ??
I dont know, my mom always told me i had a big heart and i could share love to all girls , i can put in my resume "dear ceo of my to be employment i have a big heart and i can love your daughter 24/7 ...

Ohh not sure if the ceo will like that

Etc etc

Lets hire a professional resume builder on

Pro writer: please send me list of your skills ???

Fucked up stuff 1
Fucked up stuff 1
Fucked up stuff 1
Fucked up stuff 1
Fucked up stuff 1

Pro writer: this will be the toughest resume building experience in my life but i gotta do what i gotta do

Comes up with a job for all 3-4 frens

1. Resume to be a jigalo
2. Resume to be a dog food taster
3 etc etc

Man this is not working

Matt: i will play lottery

Harry did u see my lottery ticket ?? I think i got the number ???

Harry: last night i had a milf customer come over to house, she asked me for my number as she wanted to have more fun .....

Oh shit you gave 100million lotto ticket to a hookup client ??

To be continued ......
