Dumb Kids Asociation

Well good kids get everything love from parents , teachers, good grades , etc etc

but about those who has a different world ,"A bigger world of their dreams" and never do good in exams or whatever....

lets make it a cool animation movie for kids....

the high school of alexland introduces a new professor that will change everything....

good kids get treated differently and the kids that are poor in studies get different treatment...

looking at this discrimination.... one of the rebel kind of kid "max" decides to unite the poor kids and do something extraordinary ....

they get together and make a group called : Dumb kids rock :)

well in school there are two types of category right?

sports side

and book worm side....

these dumb kids association has all the kids that are extremely talented in everything beside books....

this section i have no ideas yet of what incident will happen so that the dumb kids association will get what they deserve and make their parents proud ....

we need to have a villian who is threatening the school or the town in some way and with all the knowledge and skills that needs to be prevented .....

and bookworms are very bad at it..... except they got few keys of how to open doors...

so lets unite both kids..... smart asociation group and dumb association group and accomplish a mission here and just like the day is saved thanks to powerpuff girls we can do a mission...

at last the message of the story will be not only book knowledge is important in life....
there is much more to explain and learn....
