pizza boy 2018

would you doubt a messed up , idiot looking pizza boy a secret agent ???

no way right !!

every one has 24 hrs in a day and as if he has 48 hrs.....

a boy thats hiding in the hood, selling drugs ,, i mean u get a pizza delivery from your regular customers but they are actually your drug clients :) hidden drug delivery service and cops got no clue about it.....

pizza agent, we call him peking duck.... code of agent

the restaurant gets call from celebrities and all.... can we get it delivered by james? - special request

yes, beside drug, he buys all the bitcoin from his money so noone got clue ....

it geek too as he made a cop gps scanner so he can be alert when cops are around him :) so, every gang trusts him without knowing he is a pecking duck ;)

own social media as a pizzaboy where pepporoni is cocaine, hawain with extra pineapple is weed....

it looks like a pizza shop from outside and they do sell it !! but other stuffs tooo....

later .... a sunsepence comes out , he was setup as a drug dealer to win biggest people involved in it ....

so the cops can catch it ....

how ?
knowing easiest way he sells drugs as a online pizza boy , biggest dealers come in contact with him to distribute his drugs ......

this guy is just like mike from Am ultra or inshort like me, psychic, mind reader ... 6th sense .....

this is killer story as the 2013 imdb pizza boy story is not thrilling :)
hope u like it, u can use it, just give me a high cpc .... thats all i want.....

u can make a lot of money if big pizza chain agrees to sponsor you for putting their brand ???
