Asteroid B6

The Threat that united us as one world and humanity.

suddnely siren goes off in the space agencies all around the world. They all find the huge asteroid coming down the earth. Its 20 hrs away and its speed and angle is directly going to hit the earth breaking earth into hundred of pieces.

World leaders gather for a meeting to stop this apocalypse. The space agency revelation reveals that the asteroid is so big it will require 100 times rocket power to move out of way or we can launch nucler missiles to destroy into pieces but then again we will have a shower of thousands of rocks.

It was the perfect moment for every nation to forget their past rivalry and work to fix this else we wont be alive to carry it on. It was time for US and its allies to reveal all richie rich technology to prevent this catastrophe. The world leaders asks US to create a Dom like in Israel to stop the meteor shower destroying everything we built and killing million of innocent lives.

All the engineers work together to make a DOM to cover the whole earth. Some ppl in US were ready to move to another parallel universe with the help of CERN but everybody wanted to save earth as the parallel universe has no certainity.

need to think more..... to be continued......
