first let me sum up the whole story in 2 lines.

Imagine you get to see all the favorite stars like bruce lee, curt cobain, john lennon, m jackson, etc etc. Yes, we have made it possible with all the dna we have collected from all these ppl. we can replicate the dna and you will be seeing all your favorite stars and actors acting again.... they will be ever green and never leave you again....... they retain all the characteristics except for memory........ but eventually learn what they are capable of with the help vision implant..... for example showing bruce lee his own movies where he does moves and he remembers everything.....


the story starts with the scene on biological labs with failures in DNA manipulation. dr Moore are we ever going to get successful? all our private funds are about to get finished on failed rabbits, rats and pigs...


dr Moore after everyone leaves the lab works on a computer to study DNA codes and finds a pattern that will successfully help clone human........


this is time to tell the world now......

press conference
we have been successfully able to replicate a human from dna which we call clones.


this news goes viral and in the ears of everyone........ now the stars must be regenerated to make more money and give their classic fans the taste of what they are in today's world.........


on the other side, historians propose the DNA from mummy to be replicated to bring to them to life......
secretly the technology is used to replicate the mummy human pheros.....


there is two group now, ppl wanting to raise their dead relatives, a secret magic side that is opened up from pheros into the ancient mystery of Annunaki............

what are we gonna do now ???

this is the main question......... and this is what cloning is for .............


let me think of middle story n the climax........

pheros return to their planet x and give us the knowledge that unlocks the key to secrets of universe ....... and also tell us that cloning must be stopped or not misused ..... now we can transcend our self to multi-dimension.......secret to teleporting, etc everyone is doing this and all the problems of the world have passed........ this was the next step in our evolution ............

