old gen was titanic, this gen is heartbit " dont know a good name yet"

so let me explain the main plot in few sentences,,,

love story

a boy from his dad gets a data sending machine to space, the message is received.....
the boy works on the machine to get more msgs like multimedias etc......

later uses translator etc etc .....

so the boy receives a message from a lonely alien in some other planet......


how do they meet ??

the boy doesnt have the tech for now to get there but the alien girl does...... she has to steal the spaceship and come to earth.....

the problem is the family comes looking after their daughter ..... the space ship can be tracked with the advanced alien technology they have implemented, cmon even our iphone gps can track so why not from advanced species......


hide and runaway......



hey what are these "animals and flowers " what are these???

gets to experience the whole new world called earth with her love and doesnt want to return.....


her parents keep looking for her, the only tragic like titanic....

you cant live on earth more than a month...... you will get infected from earth virus and slowly die so u must return to planet xyz whatever........
the girl promises to return back after she finds a cure......


then you can make part 2 of this 2 where the boy is taken to their world and the girl shows her world............

1st part starts and ends with tragedy but then every one will be like lets see part 2 ...... cuz

part 2 trailer will be like ...... she returns , will there be a happy ending ??? i cant think of better words right now as i only know basic words.... even aeman knows i didnt knew the word fluffy.........

