Star Wars: 3rd side of force

the dark force , the light "jedi" and the " Singularity Surfer"

the general movie goes like dark fights the light ....... bang bang bom boom happy ending tragic ending and the end .......

The new, They call Him "Casted from Singularity" he connects to singularity to restore his energy and travel space to space and surfs from our dimension to a singularity where no warriors can reach him ........ he is not your friend not your enemy

later jedi finds a way to channel his energy to talk to him but it takes  a lot of energy

dont come one his way or he will do whatever it takes to ...... get his reason for cast complete and that is

just like death star .... lets make up something ...... the scrolls of fate.....

he wants to put an end to the never-ending fight and war between idiots light and dark side.....

he is tried to stop from both sides ---- jedi and the emperors

but jedi gets to know that he is a force sent from the singularity "the one, infinite source for all" to put end to war

then jedi helps him to change the scroll of fate ...... scroll of fate can be a source of energy that gives power to both side ...... dark and light , let them both be powerless........

haha im overthinking,,,, i mixed alchemy with space wars..........

you dont have to like it , just brainstorm session ...........

when he is casted down to our world he gets a body and after achieving the energy by havesting it in his body he can access the singularity to go back where he came from or get more stronger like taylor swift holds the thunder in ready for it video......

now when he lands ........ he lands as 5 elements and starts forming a human shape ..... while he is shape shifting, blurry imperfect body starts walking until his body completely completes the transformation as a human  and the background has this song

and he was actually send from source for this..... so he is saying this to the creator.......
