Mr Slowman



everytime you goto work

9-5 or whatever you could speed time to 2 seconds

you go there tick tock and out

for something you want it to be long lasting
you could slllloooooooowwwww it down

how about a lame ass super hero that can change time (slow down or speed it for himself or a subject)


you have seen superman fly and catch villian

flash run super fast and catch villians


this dude that gets the power of time manipulation is lame ass dude

since he cant run fast behind the villians so he slows them down.......
and catch it......


its supposed to be a comedy story

boss - you got 2 hrs to get your presentation ready.......
no worries will be done in an hour......


oh shit i just broke the traffic rule and cop is after me what do i do ?
slllllloooooooowwww down his life so he will create a massive traffic jam and he gets all the tickets.........


let me speed up my time and see which girl im supposed collide
i can go back and enjoy the process before it starts



you change the natural flow of process

something gets messed up.........

you fix one thing

another gets messed up

If you break ur parents marriage, you know the outcome 🤣🤣🤣

Something like this

holy mess

hey kesha lemme add you here........

