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Utopia kingdom. Old king, princess Lia. Need a successor. Prove you're worthy. Men from around the world are invited in Sparta's no, digital age battle n prove you're worthy. Good ppl n bad all wanna be king but the most strategic smart loyal n kind can be. Everyone is put on random test. Simulated test where they need to show all positive attributes n become genuine successor of throne. Prince Alexander Sparta name, Prince Alex. A movie which shows kids moral, discipline, sharpen mind with strategic digital simulation racecourse. Love story and being your own king in real life which parents would love to rewatch with kids.


Once every one enters gate of utopia


Everyone is pushed into simulation. Occulus kind of . like in Ralph gets in internet jumanji style digital age full of strategic battle brain + emotion lots of tech that binds mindblowing nature.

We are not in kensas but Pandora.


Complete be the king. But bad ones start war in kingdom. Protect old king, princess , and ppl of utopia.


Technological advancement is put at risk and the major tree of unlimited energy grid that powers entire nation needs to be protected. Star wars future type.

----------------- ta da -----------

After movie sprint : Alex game comes out 3D or in occulus online and reedem characters after completion as a junior king.
